High end cars worth millions of shillings have been destroyed after heavy winds uprooted trees at the Carnelleys Camp on the shores of Lake Naivasha.
The luxury cars were completely damaged by acacia trees that were nearby. Confirming the incident to us, the hotel managers asserted that at the time of the grisly disaster, the car owners were at the restaurant of the Naivasha based resort.
Pictures of the said luxury cars have since made rounds on the Kenyan internet space with a cross section of netizens expressing their sympathies to the owners of the luxurious cars.
Lawyer Tom Ngoe who is a celebrated investment and insurance law expert has responded to concerns as to weather the respective insurance companies will compensate the car owners, given the nature of the destruction.
Lawyer Tom Ngoe highlighted that A comprehensive car insurance policy provides coverage against damages or losses caused due to almost all natural disasters, which means you don’t have to buy individual plans for each one of them.
For example- massive flood can damage the car’s accessories as well as its engine. If your vehicle has been submerged in water for a long time, then it might suffer partial or full engine damage. The replacement or repair can cost you around Rs. 1-2lacs for a lower end car model. Similarly, replacing the major accessories of your car can cost you hefty. In this situation, a comprehensive health insurance policy will help you financially in covering the expenses of both accessories and engine damage.
Tom Ngoe explored the dynamics surrounding the natural disaster that occurred in Naivasha and in his expert opinion, lawyer Tom advised the affected people to have a sit-down with their respective insurers and re-evaluate their policies (Especially those without comprehensive covers)
Lawyer Tom Ngoe also reminded the affected car owners that Your insurer will deduct he depreciation car value before they get the claim amount. This add-on cover remunerates for the depreciating value of there vehicle. Opt for this add-on, and you will not have to bear the losses occurred due to depreciation on all parts except the tyres and tubes.
Upto now, neither of the affected car owners has given a statement regarding the massive weekend destruction of nature.
Githwaga Anba says
I believe they will be assisted
Clara says
Hoping soo,,, those cars were very expensive
Alphonse says
Nature was against what was going on pale Naivasha
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