By Jerome Ogoz
I would’ve advised Africa to pull up her socks but I doubt she has any
All over on Fcaebook, in unison,, there are echoes, from all directions, of condemnations of Europe, specifically France, for intending to test the efficacy of their newly formulated COVID-19 cure, in DRC
Professors Jean-Paul Mira of Cochin Hospital in Paris and Camille Locht of INSERM (France’s national medical research centre) were debating possible COVID-19 cures on French television channel La Chaine Info on Thursday, and Mira asked: “If I may be provocative, should this study not be done in Africa?
We are in agreement that Africa isn’t anyone laboratory or anyone’s guinea pig. The other argument is that Africa isn’t as much affected by the epidemic as Europe and America, meaning the tests should be conducted elsewhere, probably for the reason that this isn’t our problem
It could be true, that as of now, Africa is less affected, but it is too early to celebrate or make any conclusions
Here we are dealing with a mysterious and very ruthless virus, which we know very little about. Basing any argument on that is rather unwise
Tables could turn on Africa. Remember AIDS was initially associated with people who had travelled abroad, but later it made a home in sub saharan Africa, where it has sent approximately 40 million souls to the grave
It may turn out tha Africa would in later days be in need of this medication than anyone else. Remember, China was in trouble when Europe felt safe and right now the shoe has shifted to the other foot
What is Africa doing for herself to combat this epidemic, apart from condemning Europe?
I can assure we are doing nothing. We may have capable scholars but as we all know research is underfunded in Africa, that’s why a joke is roaming around that local universities closed alongside kindergartens, instead of perching themselves at the apex of scientific research for solutions to the epidemic
We underestimate our capabilities and that’s why until recently, when we became stranded, we have been relying on imported face masks, items we have just realised we can manufacture, even in Kibera
The best we have always done, is sit and look elsewhere for solutions. This makes us beggars. Beggars are rarely principled
When you have zero, intellectual and monetary input, to contribute in developing a therapy that the entire humanity will benefit from, then don’t feel offended when someoene someone suggests that provide human guinea pigs for tests- well that is what the Jubilee regime is preparing us for.
Africa must wake up from slumber if she intends to be principled
Good morning my fellow hoof eaters!!
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