Salim Lone
This is a weird US election, with the two most disliked politicians in the country now almost confirmed as the ones who will vie for the Presidency. In addition, Hillary is the most hawkish Democratic nominee of last 100 years, and Trump too promises an even stronger US military in order to tame the world. Bad times indeed.
The Indiana result on the Democratic side reflected this unease, voters handing Bernie a clear win despite Hillary’s nomination virtually assured – they are not sure they want her to be the one to fight Trump and win. Democratic and media establishment are demanding Bernie to step down, as his competing in primaries will hurt Hillary. There is a huge media love fest on, I did not see a
single Bernie surrogate on TV tonight, while Hillary had at least 15!
And yet in 2008 against Obama, Hillary only pulled out in June after losing the last primary in June in California. Bernie has little chance of winning the nomination but its wrong to demand he drop out before Hillary has won the pledged delegates she needs. Voters in Indiana showed that they want Bernie to continue running. Let’s see what happens. The following pro=Bernie article in very optimistic – but also very interesting.
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