Signs That Your Village Has always Been Neglected by Successful Regimes since Independence.
By Agnes Sikuku
1.When most of the feeder roads are dusty and during the rainy seasons,they are impassable.
2.When some business shops are not occupied and they are next to the road.Sometimes,they were shops that closed down the other day.
3.The presence of dingy video shows with green curtains,wooden benches and dusty floors that show Dj Afro movies at high volume.
4.When teachers and policemen/women are held in high esteem.It doesn’t matter whether the teachers are trained or untrained,cycle old reileghn bicycles and wear worn out shoes with that one shirt whose collars are discoloured.
5.When your village produces cashcrops but it has only one or no factory at all.That one factory was a peck on one member of parliament who was cohabitating with the government.Some factories closed down but the government acts like a lying lover by promising to revive it.
6.When people with cars are known and countable within a twenty kilometre radius.Needless to add that their cars are KA something,they have to be pushed halfway the journey and some doors can’t be opened.
7.When your shopping centre still has one markert day.On that day,people from like ten villages came to buy clothes,foodstuff and household items.At this market place most clothes are brightly coloured,and it’s possible to get clothes that cost 10bob or 20bob.
8.When most of the graduates in the village graduated from the states and the prestigious Univeristy of Nairobi or overrated and overpriced private universities that cost an arm and a leg.Not the p1 teacher training college,or uncertified colleges at the balcony where theres a bar and church on the first floor.
9.When the shopping center has only one mad man or woman who has been known for a very long time.Her family members are known and if she is a woman,people know who the father of her little frail child with brownish clothes is.
10.When the sight of a woman in a miniskirt,tight trousers and mid thigh jumpsuit is a sight to behold.Market women(Who have sold nothing for 3hours) ask who she is.They cover their faces with their hands and wish to cover her up with their cheap kangas.
11.When the shopping centre is very dirty.There are stagnant pools of water,fruit peels and poor drainage but the residents are not bothered.None of them demonstrate or storms the county council offices to clean up the centre.
12.When the number of bicycle boda bodas is ten times the number of motorcycle bodabodas.
13.New classrooms,health centres and decent market stalls at the market have been build recently courtesy of the constitution develepment funds.
14.When there’s one or two big dukas that sell at retail and wholesale at very low prices. Everbody knows the owner of those shops who are mostly Singh brothers, Patel Brothers, NJoroges, Abdul brothers or Mogaka
15.The presence of small shops that repair radios and watches written:”Fundi wa radio”, “Fundi wa Saa” in poor calligraphy with some paint(red or green)used for Writting overflowing.
16.When most people don’t pay debts.
17.When the public is keen on handouts from politicians.When they can’t get it,they can hang on a helicopter to get the politicians attention.Others are just mesmerized by helicopters and must get a ride-Cant blame them most of their politicians haven’t stolen enough from the government to buy choppers.
18.When there’s monopoly in witchcraft issues.In most cases,there’s only one witchdoctor who is known within the village and it’s environs.He even receives customers from distant villages.
19.When we still have matatu box(face me I face you) still ferrying passangers to and from the shopping centre.
20.Very few or no new storied buildings being constructed in the shopping centre of your village.
21.When mama’s have not chanukad politically.For instance they have no idea of how to milk politicians like their counter parts from villages that have been long in government. They former don’t know how to waylay politicians like the later who camp at the governor’s office or follow the former president who-am told-give them loose change of not less than 20k each or fund their women projects.
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