Once again, we are constrained to go public with what we consider critical concerns regarding the conduct of the Electoral body in the Kibra by election. The Commission is once again deliberately refusing to adhere to the law and conduct itself strictly in adherence thereto.
For close to two months now, we have been demanding for the release of the official register of voters in Kibra Constituency for verification, but the Commission has chosen to play hide and seek with this vital document.
As a key stakeholder, we are obligated to ensure that no voter feels disenfranchised. It is with this in mind that we wrote severally to the IEBC culminating in a meeting on the 9th of October between the Commission and the ODM leadership, where the Commission committed to release the updated register 17th October.
The IEBC has not fulfilled its promise. Instead, on the 24th of this month, the Commission released an incomplete register, making the whole exercise a charade. A complete register must have the full name of a voter, polling station and the Identification Card Number. What IEBC released does not contain ID numbers which makes it difficult for voters to verify their registration particulars.
It is worth noting that, on the 12th of this month (October), Kibra Community Leaders released a report with a list of 19,200 people in Kibra who had their names removed from the register. They also indicated that 10,040 new names had been added in the voter register. The report also indicated that 3,812 people had been moved from their polling stations to others without their knowledge. The IEBC is yet to come clean on this!
In view of the foregoing, we demand:
1. That the Commission immediately provides us with a proper voter register, with all the details as required in law for verification and certification by the people to avert disenfranchisement of any voter. That in the event they fail to do so within the next 24 hours we shall be marching to their offices to obtain the same, given the short time left to the election.
2. That the IEBC should come clear on the issue of the deletion of people’s names from the voter register, transfer of voters from a polling station to another and the addition of new voters into the voter register.
Upon release of the proper we urge our supporters to visit the IEBC offices to verify and confirm that their names, polling stations in which they registered and their ID numbers are intact ahead of the exercise next week.
The IEBC must live up to its mandate. It must not be seen to be hiding some cards under the table. It must be impartial and not dare try to play some cards under the table. Kenyans are watching you.
Dated in Nairobi this 31st October 2019
Edwin Sifuna
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