By Dorcas S
There is no other way to put it.
First at The Hague during the PEV cases and now here at home via their acceptance/validation of election results they knew were, at best tainted and incomplete and at worst, totally cooked in favor of the incumbency. The west, via this duplicitous behavior and selfish protection of their self-interests, has finally revealed where their loyalty lies and it is not with us common everyday Kenyans.
It is with a demonstrably corrupt and incompetent kleptocracy that does their bidding – and they (west) would not have any other way!
The United Nations, European Union and United States have either accepted or offered tacit acceptance of election/voting results that none of them would accept in their respective organization/societies.
Countries of European Union (read Gt. Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavian countries etc.) would not call a presidential or prime ministerial election WITHOUT the (final) vote tallies. They would make projections based on statistical modeling from exit poll data but these countries have better systems/poll data gathering than Kenya does and at this rate, will ever have! Besides, the projections are typically made by media outlets NOT the organizing body which ALWAYS waits for the final results BASED on actual votes (Form 34A) before calling a race.
The UN would not pass a resolution without the final vote tally of member countries.
And the US, the strangest one of the group, does not call the presidency for a candidate without confirmation that the candidate has met the 270 Electoral College vote threshold; this even if the candidate has the most popular votes (Hillary Clinton and Al Gore).
However, these parties were not dissuaded from offering congratulatory messages to Uhuru Kenyatta, thereby validating what they knew was a tainted presidential election outcome.
Even more aggravating is the fact that they offered the congratulations only to come back AFTERWARDS and ask the IEBC “to finish making public all copies of the two sets of forms used to put together the result of last week’s presidential election”.
The three entities – UN, EU and US – essentially offered credibility; their stamp of approval to an election outcome WITHOUT the raw data upon which that outcome was predicated!
I am trying to wrap my head around the thinking and logic that formulated the decision these parties made, given the absence of Forms 34A – not to mention the boatload of evidence that the vote tallying process was flawed and frankly, I cannot.
The fact that the IEBC has not provided the forms; basically the elections’ source data does not make sense – unless there is some under-handedness going on behind the scene. After being reassured that “we are ready”; it turns out they, IEBC, were NOT ready.
Add to the delayed release of Forms 34A, the (1) mystery torture and death of Chris Msando and the plot only thickens.
Additionally, machinations surrounding other persons who were involved in the elections including (2) Roselyn Akombe who was “stopped from boarding her flight to New York”, (3) Orenge Nyabicha who supposedly “committed suicide after overseeing the voting” and the (4) just-announced murder of Caroline Odinga and one can begin to see how irresponsible the announcement by the IEBC and congratulations by the international community were.
Former US SecState John Kerry offered the rather vacuous truism that losing elections is “difficult” – this having been on the losing end of his own elections back in 2004. However, Mr. Kerry lost to George W. Bush because of a negative “Swiftboat” campaign tactic that called into question his service in Vietnam not because the FEC’s (Federal Electoral Commission’s) acting head of the ICT was tortured then murdered.
Dutchwoman and head of the EU observation team Marietje Schaake offered the more cautionary “the electoral process is still on-going…it is a sign of leadership to congratulate your opponent…..”. Notwithstanding, her message was immediately tortured by Jubilee and its supporters – in favor of their candidate.
There is something diabolical about this duplicitous behavior of the international community and more disturbing is the ease with which our so-called “sovereign” pan-Africanists including Kenya’s own Uhuru Kenyatta allow themselves to be co-opted by same international community their forefathers supposedly fought against.
History is indeed repeating itself as the son of the man who sold Kenya to his family, friends and the west is now selling what’s left to the east, the west having cemented their position in the country; indeed in the continent.
Maybe this is what Kenyans needed to witness – completion of the cycle of betrayal – first at The Hague then locally via their acceptance of results we locals know to be less than credible.
Maybe now Kenya can now write her history; shape her destiny because the international community sure does write its own narrative and looks out for its self-interests.
But first, we need to pay back what we owe them!
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