By Salim Lone
The charged IEBC debate: George Gitau and I are not always in agreement, but I am sharing his very calm and eminently sensible comment from my wall on the very charged and angry debate, and how to move forward on this very destabilizing crisis that could easily get out of hand.. Please share further.
“Jubilee pushing its luck too much? There comes a time when something has to give.This the law of nature. What has been said about the IEBC makes it untenable for the electoral body to continue operating as constituted.
“The will of the people which is the IEBC’s raison d’etre must be respected to avoid ugly outcomes as we approach the general election.The Church, the law society and the opposition have expressed concern about the goings on at the Electoral body housed at Anniversary Towers in Nairobi. Something has to give in order for the country to hold coming elections in an environment of fairness.
“The names of the members of this commission are not cast in stone.The people have spoken and it’s time Parliament replaced these commissioners whatever it takes.What would it take to send Hassan and his team home ?”
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