(Courtesy of Lee Makwiny via Facebook)
By Hon George Peter Kaluma
Let’s know some truths now:
1. Miguna did not swear H.E. Raila. This is a “self-proclaimed” lie. Those who know what administering oath means and attended the event know what I’m saying is true.
2. Miguna would be dead by now were it not for H.E. Raila.
3. Miguna must stop being a know-it-all and agree to be advised. He should have the gratitude to know the lawyers involved in his matter only did so at the request of Raila. He doesn’t listen to anyone and he is never advised.
4. The government now argues that everyone’s travel document is stamped on arrival at airport, and that MM is no exemption. It will be too heavy to ward of this line of defence we’ve only kept government from by citing the principle that a person in contempt can’t be heard before purging/removing the contempt. By his conduct, he is availing a lot of defence to government and will soon get out of favour of the court’s. This will not be good
5.The Court ordered he uses his Canadian passport in case Kenyan passport would not have been delivered to him by time of return. He used the Canadian passport, but sneaked it out through a person who quickly left the airport leaving him behind calling everyone despot. The travel manifests JKIA gave us confirmed this is the document he used to travel. As lawyers, together with officials from KNCHR, we pushed KAA to do everything to facilitate his entry but MM could not just take our advice. He abused Khaminwa saying the Senior lawyer is too old to advise him despite all efforts he had put in pursuing justice for MM! Helpless, we called H.E. Raila to rush to the Airport and help convince him but he adamantly refused also threatening he will deal with him!
6. The government overreacted in re-deporting MM to Dubia and subjecting him to inhuman treatment.
7. NIS personnel using Luo names started this propaganda of abusing Raila over MM’s matter as if he presides over Immigration or Court.
8. Unthinking Luos jumped into the matter in their boisterous style abusing Raila without asking all he had done including getting lawyers to assist MM who refuses to do even the simplest thing to be helped.
9. Miguna must accept advice in order to avoid trouble. This is the advice he needs. He is a guy with great potential, but lacking in wisdom, respect and limit!
10. What MM is going through is painful and unacceptable. MM must accept advise and make it easy to be helped out of this situation. He would not be in his situation if he just listened to lawyers and accepted their advice. I fear the lawyers who have been helping him are getting tired by the day. The situation would be dire if the lawyers left, as MM himself is not in a state where he can access court in person.
This article was first published at WWW.KNATV.CO.KE
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