Barrenness– Demystifying Barrenness: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options
What is barrenness?
Barrenness is the inability of an animal, which includes humans, to conceive and produce
offspring. In humans, barrenness is mostly associated with women. It is, therefore, described as
the inability to conceive after about a year of unprotected sex.
According to the CDC, barrenness affects over 5 million women in the US as a result of health
issues like PCOS and diabetes.
Men also experience fertility problems, and according to NHS, about 9% of men of reproductive
experience infertility.
History of barrenness in the bible
The topic of barrenness is a sensitive one. Even before the Biblical times, women in different
communities experienced it, and various methods were employed to solve barrenness.
In biblical times, women like Sarah (wife of Abraham), Rebekah (wife of Isaac), Rachel (wife of
Jacob), Hannah (wife of Elkanah) and Elisabeth (the wife of Zachariah) experienced barrenness.
Their stories were of pain. They were sidelined by society, and all they were left with was to cry
to their creator.
Barrenness can significantly impact the physical, emotional, and social well-being of individuals
and couples.
It can result in stress, low self-esteem, relationship problems, anxiety, and depression.
In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, possible treatment, and prevention of
Also, we will answer some frequently asked questions about barrenness. Further, we will provide
some resources for more information and support.
What are the causes of barrenness?
The inability to conceive can be as a result of various factors, including age, genetics, lifestyle,
medical conditions, and environmental exposures.
Here is a breakdown of some common causes:
1. Age: According to NHS, fertility declines with age, especially for women. Women have what
we can describe as a limited number of eggs that decrease in both quantity and quality over
That is why some experts suggest that women try to conceive when they are still young to
increase their chances of becoming parents with ease.
On the other hand, men experience a decline in sperm quality and quantity as they age.
2. Genetics: This includes inherited disorders or chromosomal abnormalities, such as Turner
syndrome in women or Klinefelter syndrome in men. They can heavily impact fertility by
affecting the development of reproductive organs and levels of hormones that control affect
fertility, according to the Mayo Clinic.
3. Lifestyle: Habits like smoking, drinking, drug use, being obese, a lot of stress disrupt
hormones and the quality of sperm. They can also pose a challenge to the development of the
4. Medical Conditions: Endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, STIs,
pelvic inflammatory disease, cancer and diabetes can also lead to barrenness.
They can also deal a blow to the implantation of the embryo.
5. Environmental Exposures: Exposure to chemicals, radiation, heat, and pollution can alter
hormonal balance and impact the quality and quantity of eggs and sperm.
A good example i the exposure to radiation people in Japan got after US bombing of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki towards the end of World War II.
In Kenya, the Owino Uhuru community reported cases of barrenness and cancer as a result of a
lead-acid smelting plant that was operated by the now defunct Metal Refineries Limited from
2007 until its shutdown in 2014, as recorded by the Nordic Journal of Human Rights Volume 38,
2020 – Issue 4.
6 Witchcraft and curses: In African traditional society and in some religions and even many
cultures across the world, barrenness was attributed to factors such as curses or evil eyes and
punishment from God.
In the biblical context, God used barrenness as a test of the faith of his people.
Note: Seeking professional guidance for diagnosis and exploring appropriate treatments can offer
hope and options for those on their fertility journey. Experts like Mugwenu Doctors and others
who have good reputations will guide you through this journey to ensure you conceive and
deliver your baby safely.
They will also guide you through nurturing them into useful citizens.
Symptoms and Diagnosis of Barrenness
The main symptom of barrenness is the inability to conceive after six months to about a year of
unprotected sexual intercourse.
You should also seek medical help if you have the following symptoms or risk factors:
Absent or irregular periods
Painful or heavy periods
History of sexually transmitted infection
History of endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome
History of uterine fibroids or other uterine abnormalities
Pelvic pain or discomfort
If you experience abnormal vaginal discharge or bleeding
History of pelvic infection or surgery
If you have ovarian cysts or other ovarian conditions
History of diabetes
History of cancer or cancer treatment
History of exposure to chemicals, radiation, or heavy pollution
If you are into smoking, you drink alcohol, you use drugs, you are under stress
If you are obese
The medics will carry out tests after interrogating your history. Such tests include ovulation tests,
fertility tests, imaging tests (x-ray or ultrasound) and other tests like biopsies.
Treatment and Prevention of Barrenness
Treatment Options:
1. Medication: Drugs can be prescribed to you. They could be oral or in the form of an
injection or even a patch. Their work is to enhance sperm quality, balance hormones, and
treat some undelaying factors causing barrenness.
2. Surgery: You can also go under the knife to address reproductive organ abnormalities,
blockages, or growths, such as uterine polyps or ovarian cysts.
3. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART): Methods like in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or
intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) manipulate eggs, sperm, or embryos outside the
body. However, Such procedures are expensive and require you to have the proper
financial muscle.
4. Traditional remedies: In the same way barrenness was treated before the arrival of
modern medicine and modern procedures, similar methods are still being employed
Experts like Mugwenu Doctors have ancient traditional remedies that cleanse the body,
treat barrenness and ready the system for reproduction.
How to prevent barrenness
The following are some of the strategies you can use to prevent barrenness:
Adopt Healthy Lifestyle:
According to UCSF Health, you need to stop smoking, quit alcohol intake, stop
drug use, maintain a healthy weight, manage stress, and exercise regularly.
These habits will balance your hormones, improve your immunity, and contribute
positively to your reproductive health.
Regular and Unprotected Sex:
Take part in regular intercourse, especially during the fertile window, which is
usually around the middle of the menstrual cycle.
Note: Avoid lubricants that may interfere with sperm motility.
Seeking Medical Help:
Consult specialists for fertility concerns and undergo a thorough evaluation, Mayo
Clinic advises.
Be sure to address symptoms or risk factors associated with barrenness, like stress
and obesity.
When should men see a doctor to prevent
1. If you have relatives with fertility problems. Fertility issues are genetic and can be
2. You had a partner in the past, and you were unable to impregnate them.
3. You have sperm issues like low sperm count
4. There is a history of sexual, prostate or testicular conditions
5. Been exposed to cancer treatment like chemotherapy
6. Had hernia
7. If your testicles are too small than normal size
8. If you have swollen veins around the scrotum.
How can I improve my fertility naturally?
Eat a healthy and balanced diet: This includes foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals
omega-3 fatty acids. They include vegetables, eggs, fish, fatty meat, and dairy products, according to Healthline.
Avoid foods that are rich in sugars refined carbs, and dont even think about alcohol. These foods
tend to cause insulin resistance, which brings about conditions like diabetes and PCOS.
Exercise regularly:
1. Go to the gyms, walk every day and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
2. Engage in activities like swimming, running and cycling and enrol for yoga, depending
on availability and preference.
3. As you workout, ensure you do not overexercise, as advised by Mayo Clinic.
Manage your stress: Stress can make it harder for you to get pregnant. But in a world where
stress is inevitable, find healthy ways to cope with it, such as meditation, relaxation, breathing
exercises, and counselling. You can also engage in hobbies.
Quit smoking and drugs: Drugs, alcohol and smoking damage your eggs and sperm and also
mess up your hormones, which are very important in the fertility cycle.
The advantage of the above methods is that they work for everyone. However, always seek
medical advice whenever the need arises.
What are Fertility charms
Apart from the medical approach to cure or prevent barrenness, many cultures have deployed
fertility charms and spells. These are objects or rituals believed to protect and enhance fertility.
They can be worn as jewellery, displayed as decorations, used as rituals or carried as amulets.
How they are used depends on culture, religion or personal preferences.
Some of the oldest fertility charms are from ancient Egypt. In Egypt, people used the Ankh
symbol, which looked like a cross with a loop at the top, to represent life, immortality, and
fertility, according to Gem Select.

closeup image woman plays meditation xilophone music
Another ancient civilisation that used fertility charms was ancient Greece and Rome, where
people worshipped many gods and goddesses related to fertility, such as Demeter, Aphrodite,
Venus, Priapus, and Pan.
In Asia, there exist many fertility charms based on different religions and traditions, such as
Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Shintoism. In Hinduism, the lingam is a popular charm. It is a
rounded column that represents the God Shiva, the supreme God and the source of
life, according to Britannica. The lingam is sometimes accompanied by the yoni, a symbol of the
female parts and the goddess Shakti, the energy and power of Shiva.
Another famous fertility charm in Asia is the elephant. This animal is a symbol of fertility,
wisdom, and strength. The elephant is revered in many Asian cultures, such as India, Thailand,
China, and Japan. It is also associated with the god Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and lord of
success, according to Online With Amma. Some people believe that having an elephant statue or
figurine in their home or office can bring good luck and fertility.
Other fertility charms used by different people around the world, include the pineapple, the
fertility goddess, the kokopelli , the rabbit, the acorn, the frog, the pomegranate, and the moon.
Note: Before using fertility spells and charms, contact an expert for you to be able to harness
their powers wholly.
Barrenness means you can’t have babies. There are many reasons why this can happen, such as
how old you are, what genes you have, how you live, what health problems you have, and
exposure to dangerous chemicals.
To find out why you can’t have babies, you need to see a doctor and do some tests, such as
checking your hormones and eggs.
To treat barrenness, you can take some pills, have some surgery, or use some technology,
depending on what is causing it, how long you have been trying, how old you are, and what you
To prevent or improve barrenness, ensure to live a healthier life by avoiding things like drugs
and tobacco, have sex more often, and avoid getting obese. Get medical help when needed or
when you feel you have tried so much without getting pregnant.
We hope this article has helped you learn more about barrenness.
If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please share them with us.
We would love to hear from you and help you through your fertility journey.
To contact Mugwenu Doctors, you can use any of the following methods:
Phone: +254740637248
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