Photo:Premier Raila Odinga at a past event
By Joshua Odhiambo Nyamori
The youth of this country under the age of 30 years, rise up to the occasion! Pick up the challenge that the Government has thrown at you. Science and comparative experience has shown us that you and you alone could save this country and our people from total inhiliation. If you stay home, we shall break the chain and kill this Coronavirus. Stay indoors. Maintain social distance. Wash and sanitize your hands
Use the time that you will be indoors to reflect on our country and your unique position moving into the future. Unlike my generation and the older ones, you can still afford to imagine, to innovate, to venture, and to make mistakes, rise up and try again. You have no history from the old order to haunt you. You have no family and other baggage to weigh you down.
You have the numbers, the strength, the intellect and the technology that no other generation has ever possessed. In social isolation, connect otherwise and thinktank amongst yourselves, on social media and on other platforms that you alone control.
History is kind to you. It has placed you at the right place at the right time. Few generations are as lucky as you are, to be youth at such a defining moment in the history of the entire humanity. Whatever you do with it is all up to you. You may squander all these opportunities in complacency, gradualism and uninformed rebellion; finally falling into the trap that the Italian youth fell into – partying after partying and then every morning carrying the coronavorus home to kill their parents and grand parents.
Your other option is to rise up to the occasion, take up your responsibility, by first saving the nation from imminent disaster in the weeks and months to come by staying indoors, then coming out at the end of the pandemic to take over from the current leadership that has abdicated. It will be your time to revolutionize Kenya.
This Coronavirus pandemic offers you the opportunity to take a break and conspire amongst yourselves, not in rallies or nightclubs, but on the internet and social media – to rid Kenya of not only Coronavirus but also corruption, ethnicity and bad governance. It gives you a chance to turn tables on the older corrupt and ethnic generations and to turn the tide of Kenya’s political economy towards unity, patriotism and prosperity.
Rise up to the occasion the Kenyan youth! Stay at home but connected through social media! Save the nation from the virus as you take over the leadership! I pray for you. I pray for Kenya! May the youth revolution come to pass. May Coronavirus die! May the Kenyan nation be reborn!
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