IRUNGU KANG’ATA is now scaring ODM with a dead snake
This has provided an abundance of orgasm to MK and other tangatanga mujahideens
As I have said before, Uhuru cannot afford to fight Ruto and Raila at the same time. It is a very risky venture as the duo can gang up to slaughter him
He knows this too well, and those celebrating know the horse of Ruto’s betrayal bolted long ago and like an arrow that has left the bow, there cannot be any reverse
Still on the same issue, many ODM followers are a cut from the leftist cloth. Such people don’t know how to be in the government and support the government if the day, with it’s flaws
They’ve been wishing for a return to mainstream opposition and the Kang’atta verbose could be the much needed relief. Defending the nakedness of a king who is always unclothed is a task very herculean
On the stalemate, the one man one shilling one vote preferred by Central Kenya senators is bound to be very unpopular, in other regions
Over to different matters, someone has vandalized Khalwale’s sanitization booth in Kakamega
He is accusing Oparanya. However, I guess the vandal could be none but Khalwale himself. He is a close friend and political associate of Washiali, a man who has previously abducted himself, taken himself hostage and hidden himself inside a sugar cane plantation in Shibale, before finally demanding ransom, negotiating ransom and paying himself the ransom, before finally setting himself free
Khalwale may’ve learnt this self service habit from Washiali
Adapted from Jerome Ogola FB
Silas Nyanchwani adds:
I think when we passed the new constitution 10 years ago, we ought to have included a clause that says, it should not be tampered with for at least 50 years.
I listened to Irungu Kang’ata, hirtheto a sober guy, talk yesterday, and I was saddened and just goes to show, old habits never die.
Privilege is such a blinding force. Privilege kills all the empathy in people. Devolution came to right the wrongs that started right after independence where some regions were deliberately marginalised. We have sen devolution work miracles and it is only a matter of time, before the marginalised counties could catch up. Now, we want to take them two steps backwards.
We need leaders who think about wealth generation more and less about distribution. If the senate succeeds in passing the bill, we will know the enemies of Kenya. And here is the where the intellectual class of people from marginalised communities should raise their voice.
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The first match will be played between Gujarat Titans and Chennai Super Kings on the home ground of Gujarat Titans. The two teams will square off at one of the largest cricket stadiums in the world, the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad on March 31. IPL Match Timing Tomorrow 2023- The Final match of the IPL was scheduled to be played on 28th May but due to rain, the match could not be played and the IPL council postponed this match to 29th May 2023, Monday. IPL Match Today – Dream 11 Prediction Wankhede Stadium and Brabourne Stadium in Mumbai, DY Patil Stadium in Navi Mumbai, and MCA International Stadium in Pune are the 4 venues where the matches of IPL 2022 will take place. Wankhede Stadium and DY Patil Stadium will host 20 matches each. Brabourne Stadium and MCA International Stadium will host 15 games each.
Pep Guardiola‘s side face Bournemouth first this weekend in a game that they should be able to win. They then face Newcastle United in the Premier League after a mid-week FA Cup clash, and that will not be an easy game. MORE: Premier League kits for 2022 23: Manchester United and more Ten Hag to MUTV on Antony: ‘We’ve all seen how he came off and didn’t look great. But the first assessment is not too bad and a good opportunity he is available for the Cup final next week.’ #mufc Arsenal Men Fixtures 2022-2023 Football, however, is a funny game. An easy run on paper doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll pick up wins in each of our next five games – we just cannot be complacent. Walker made it clear that despite the celebrations, City remains focused on their upcoming matches. In addition to the FA Cup final against United, they also have the Champions League final on June 10. Walker emphasized the importance of these upcoming fixtures and the opportunity to make history for the club.
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Harrah’s New Orleans Hotel & Casino is located in the heart of New Orleans, near the Mississippi River. The casino boasts the latest and hottest games in slots, video poker, and table games. Plus there is plenty of other entertainment and restaurants to keep you entertained during your stay. The casino and hotel feature the same style as New Orleans’ historic French Quarter and includes 450 gaming rooms. During Mardis Gras, Harrah’s is an extremely popular destination! It even survived the ravages of Hurricane Katrina and remains open today. Saturday, February 25 I 8pm World Class Casino is intended for an adult audience and does not offer real money gambling, nor the opportunity to win real money or prizes. Practice or success at social casino gaming does not imply future success at real money gambling.
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Fold: You have to know when to hold ‘em, and know when to fold ‘em, as they say. If someone has bet before you and your poker hand isn’t particularly strong, it’s probably best to just fold and wait until the next game. Play free Poker with friends and with big! Use Gems to get Good Luck Charms! The object of the game is to fling knives at the spinning objects by clicking anywhere on the screen, but be careful not to hit the other knives. Collect apples to trade in for special knives on the game start screen, or to extend your game. TechJunkie is a BOX20 Media Company Subscribe to the PokerVIP Weekly Newsletter Poker dates back to 1829 and was started in New Orleans by French settlers. Inspired by a French game name ‘Poques’, the game involved bluffing your way to a win or bets similar to today’s draw poker.
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It’s really important to make sure that you play with safe and reputable sites, which is all we recommend. As long as you do that, it’s safe to play real poker online for money. Just exercise caution when making deposits and withdrawals, particularly on mobile devices. When you hear someone talking about online poker being rigged, it is almost always a sign that they are a bad player and are just looking for something to blame their losses on. Think about it. If online poker really were rigged, who exactly are the poker sites choosing to rig it against? And don’t you think smart people, with software tracking their play, would figure out of the frequencies were way off or something? Colorado isn’t a state dominated by larger US casino corporations, therefore the market is wide open. Should lawmakers ultimately get behind the idea of legal online poker there’s really no telling which existing online poker operators, large and small, will partner with Cripple Creek, Central City, and Black Hawk casinos to launch inside the state.
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