Tycoon Jimmy Wanjigi has also been making headlines, from gun drama to his Political stands. Businessman Yogesh Patel has accused tycoon Wanjigi, his wife and their two firms of using a shell company to defraud him of Sh56 million that was meant to be a deposit for a controversial 0.818-acre piece of land in Nairobi’s Westlands suburb.
Mr Patel claims that Aureum Ltd — a company owned by Mr Wanjigi, his wife Irene Nzisa and Augustine Kairo Thuo — agreed to sell him the prime land for Sh260 million in June last year but the firm has now transferred the property to someone else and refused to refund his deposit.
The businessman has sued through his Kenroid Ltd, which reached the sale agreement that is now at the centre of a battle for the land.
Kenroid now holds that Aureum was only a shell that received his deposit on behalf of Irene Nzisa Wanjigi, Tyl Ltd — Mr Wanjigi’s firm — and Mr Thuo.
The firm adds that the land could be a public utility and may be among the parcels flagged in the 2006 Ndung’u Land Report, which detailed several grabbed parcels in Kenya’s history.
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