By Jerome Ogola
Face masks, as we are told, are meant to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, whose current infection rate appears powered by steroids
How a single layer of a porous piece of cloth, as light as streetwalker’s petticoat is supposed to stop a virus as microscopic as 10 nanometers, remains a mystery
The government ought to have ensured only up to standard masks are being manufactured, if it intends to use them to reduce infections
Again people wear them, not to protect them from any microbe, but to protect them from being arrested, by an excited cop. As it stands the cops are more lethal than any known virus
The later, have so far killed more people than COVID-19, since the virus landed officially, at JKIA, more than a month ago
That’s why everyone has one of these rags, hanging on their chin, as if some mucus membrane exists in the neck. Since it became obligatory that everyone must wear one, some households, maybe due to financial incapacity bought only one, which is hanged by the door and used by everyone leaving the house/house
In such a scenario, does this rag reduce or increase the chances of spreading this virus?
Still on coronavirus, there were these establishments called VCT, built and operated by the government, in the years when AIDS was still a celebrity, before it was dethroned by COVID-19
These facilities are nowadays idle. Some, like that one of Soy were closed down, after the residents manged to finish the AIDS virus by rapidly sharing it amongst themselves
Since the staff had undergone some little training and they are well versed with the community, the facilities can be of use, as voluntary testing centres for COVID-19 now that everyone is worried their cough could be that nyang’au, and they need some assurance that they are safe